It was on January 22, 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion. Since then, countless lives have been lost and ruined. As followers of Christ, we can be a place of refuge through our words, the care we provide, and by sharing the gospel that brings life.
"For that which is morally wrong, can never be politically correct." - Madame Chaing Kai Shek
The Detroit Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN)
This initiative seeks to make each parish in the Archdiocese a place where moms and their babies are welcomed and supported and where the dignity of every human life is upheld and valued. You can check it out at And stay tuned for news of a local WWMIN group starting!
Support Pregnancy Help Centers.
Two local help centers are Crossroads Care Center in Auburn Hills ( and Oxford Pregnancy Center (
Support Housing/Residential Programs for expectant moms.
While there is a complete list on the WWMIN website above, there is an URGENT NEED at Gianna House in Eastpointe. December 26, they experienced a “winter emergency.” Due to the extreme cold, pipes in their fire suppression system froze and burst, flooding all four floors of their structure. While the loss is great, the moms and babies are all fine and Gianna House will rebuild. But they need our support. Visit for the complete story and how you can donate.
Support Initiatives Through Our Family of Parishes
Initiatives such as the Knights of Columbus Baby Bottle Drive and our Stitching for Babies ministry group. Stitching for Babies can use the following NEW baby items to supplement their hand-crafted items: Small packages of diapers (size 1, 8-14 pounds, packs of 50 or less); wipes; Onesies (to fit 3 months, 9-12 pounds); baby socks and bibs. You may leave your donations near the food basket near the church entrance or drop them off at the Parish Office. Thank you!
Our highest priority is to pray for all those on the prayer list and those to whom we are ministering. Our second priority is to minister to them based on their specific need.
Eucharistic Ministers are God's ministers to the homebound by participating in the ministry of Jesus Christ. They offer guidance and cheerful encouragement. The Eucharist is taken to the homebound, within a facility or at a home within the parish boundaries, on a regular basis.
This group coordinates the luncheon gatherings which are held in the social hall immediately following funeral Mass. This ministry relies on the help of people who are willing to assist in food preparation set up, serve, and clean up after the meal. Parishioners also donate salads and desserts for this meal. To sign up as a funeral lunch minister for funerals, contact Ruth Rogan at 248-627-2683.
It is a time to help those who are hurting to know the love and comfort of God through the care and support of the community.
We have several wonderful volunteers who take care of maintaining the outside gardens all spring, summer, and fall. Many hands are needed for this ministry as it organizes planting, weeding, watering, and cleanup of flowers and gardens. Call the parish office for information.
is a group based at St. Anne Church, Ortonville, whose purpose is to make quilts and handcrafted items for needy organizations while enabling fellowship and earning of service hours using donated fabric, materials, time and talent.
Mission Statement: Enjoy each other’s company while learning new skills and using these skills to support people and organizations in need through donations of quilts and other handcrafted items.
Vision: Connect and create quilters in an environment of learning and giving.
Meetings are held the Saturdays and Tuesdays of every month. All are welcome -- quilters and non-quilters; those in need of service hours or fellowship. Interested in joining us? Email or call for more information: Mig Lane ([email protected] -- 248.249.1544) or Angie Sheperd ([email protected] -- 248.249.1542) for more information.