10-02-2022--27th Week in OT Jesus is teaching the Apostles of two millennia ago and us today, in order for our faith to be increased, we must be truly humble and acknowledge all that I have and all that I offer is a gift from God. Naturally then, Faith increases when we are willing to “bear our share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God.” Here is the mystery, faith of this intensity, even if its as tiny as that of a mustard seed can make a miracle happen!
9-25-2022--Dear Friends – we could be shocked in a way after reading the parable this weekend. You may ask, shocked in what way? As we read in the scriptures, the rich man, even in the afterlife, is still speaking to the poor man as a servant who is “supposed” carry out tasks for him.
We are called this weekend to consider our character. (The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is always dishonest in great ones.) – Again – an examination of character. We hear the definition(s) of character often in our life. But how do we examine our character before the light of Jesus?
9-11-2022--We hear a timeless complaint this weekend, “This man [Jesus] welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Yet, showing mercy CHANGES us! Jesus came into the world precisely to show the power of mercy. Jesus emptied Himself and became one of us so that sinners can become saints!
9-04-2022--We reflect this weekend, that the Lord wants to give us a love that SO EXCEEDS even the “highest human love.” In order to receive and share the love that our Lord Jesus so desires to give us, we must set aside any “attachments of this world” that can cause us to stumble in growing closer to the Lord. (In other words, our path to growing in holiness.) Certainly, for some, it can be a cross “letting go” of our “attachments of this world” in order to grow in holiness. Yet St. Paul illuminates in his letter to Philemon one way in how this can be done; that is by treating individual(s) as a beloved family member(s).