7-31-2022--18th Week in Ordinary Time Recently, I was told by an elderly Priest, it would “profit all of us” if we have a bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other. Indeed, it’s a valid point, to discern what our ancestors in faith lived through and how it’s related to what we live through today.
7-24-2022--July 24, 2022 – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We hear a famous, beautiful, and yet ever simple question, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Consider for a moment, why would they ask that? Scholars teach us, our ancestors in faith who are asking the question desire to pray with the same closeness and confidence that they witness in Jesus.
7-17-2022--Sunday, July 17 – Sixteenth Sunday in OT I have shared often with you, the famous Fr. Michael Schmitz teaching, that is, “we are wired for God.” Indeed, that is the emphasis of this weekends sacred readings. “There is need of only one thing” … to live in the presence of the Lord.
7-10-2022--15th Sunday in Ordinary Time A brief reflection on Saints God sends us… Teachers of our faith tell us, “the measure of God’s judgement of the world at any given period of history is the ‘size of the Saints’ he sends to assist us in our time.”