6-26-2022--Dear Friends, As we are nearing the end of June. Some good news, we as a Parish are at 24% toward(s) our CSA goal. Meaning, we have received $16,610 dollars towards our goal of $68,100.00.
06-19-2022--On Friday, June 24 we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We will begin that Friday before Mass, with a time of silent prayer. At Mass, we will hear from the 15th chapter of Luke’s Gospel, it is the timeless parable of the lost sheep. Jesus addresses those listening, “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?
06-12-2022--To open our soul to His Love and to receive graces In June, we will hear the story of St. Peter. (Still in Sacred Scripture, called “Simon, son of John.”) As you know, Simon-Peter says, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” We are called to enter into PRAYER and imagine, being on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, where our Lord Jesus asks Peter, three times for a “profession of love.” We must remember, Jesus’ ways are NOT our ways. Consider, whenever our Lord Jesus, in Sacred Scripture asks questions, it IS NOT to “gain information.” Jesus does this in order to open Simon-Peter’s soul (and even each of our souls) to His Love and to give graces.
06-05-2022-- Each year at Pentecost, we reflect on the POWER of the Holy Spirit. Servant of God Luis Maria Martinez teaches us, “Christ’s Paschal Mystery was brought to completion. The Holy Spirit is present within us – we can live in freedom as adopted sons and daughters of the Lord. We are strengthened with unique gifts from the Holy Spirit.” St. Thomas Aquinas would say, “that the Holy Spirit interiorly perfects our spirit…” “the Gift of the love of God is the Holy Spirit.”