5-01-2022--In the face of Peter’s triple denial of Him on the eve of Jesus’ passion. We now enter into the 21st chapter of St. John’s Gospel, and we hear the risen Jesus ask Peter, three times, “Do you love me?” Jesus draws out from Peter a love that deepens his “contrition” and “reparation.” Jesus helps Peter to see that through being humble and seeking contrition, Jesus will GIVE him a deeper love.
4-24-22--Divine Mercy Sunday Question: Where did the feast of Divine Mercy come from? Answer: If you were born well before the year 2000, you know the feast of Divine Mercy has not always been celebrated in the Church.
4-17-2022--Happy Easter! As you know, we spend the evening of Holy Thursday, then the day of Good Friday and the day of Holy Saturday with the universal church, “waiting at the tomb of Jesus.” God-willing the aim of our prayer is to place ourselves personally “in a mode” of awaiting.
04-10-2022--Fr. Craig’s Contemplations Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord On this day, our Church prayerfully recalls the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem to accomplish His Paschal Mystery. We have spent our Lenten season preparing our hearts through prayer, penance and works of charity. Now during this most solemn week we celebrate Jesus’ Paschal Mystery (that is, His Passion and Resurrection.) For it was because of this, He enters into Jerusalem. By GRACE we are transformed into being a partaker of the Cross, so that we may share also in His Resurrection and into the light of His life.
4-03-2022--During this point in our Lenten Journey, it is good to bring to prayer the fundamental consideration that Jesus Christ’s coming implies; one-to recognize our failings and GO to Jesus and search out forgiveness. In other words, we go to Jesus to seek out His Light and His Peace