1-02-22-- On January 1 each year we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, titled Mary, Mother of God. We first hear from the Book of Numbers, and what we hear in this passage is normally called, “the priestly blessing” for our Jewish ancestors in faith, this blessing was the “ending act” for ritual worship. From this we hear from St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians. Most scripture scholars believe that Galatians was written about 25 years after Jesus’ Resurrection. We hear the Galatian struggling to understand what God the Father “accomplished” through Jesus Christ. In the end, one significant debate for the Galatian community was, salvation. Was salvation: (a) through the Law or (b) through grace in Christ?
12-26-2021--Merry Christmas! In this sacred time, we have prayed to “make way for the Lord.” The Christmas liturgies push us to appreciate each year in a new way the gift God has given to us and we are also reminded how it was prepared for each of us from the beginning of time.
12-19-21--Fourth Sunday of Advent We hear from St. Luke, the story of the visitation. Where Our Lady meets her cousin Elizabeth. Certainly, this was no “ordinary visit” consider how St. Elizabeth responds to Mary. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”
12-05-2021-- Hello Friends, In this second week of Advent, we hear from the Prophet Baruch. In the fifth chapter of Baruch, we hear a message of consolation, that eventually Jerusalem will enter “the splendor of glory from God forever.” The ancient people are called to live according to the will of God, if they do, they will find lasting peace. St. Paul in the first chapter of Philippians teaches each of us, “true friendship extends into eternity.” Indeed, if we live according to God’s will for us, we will find true friendships that will carry us beyond this life, to the heavenly banquet.
11-28-2021-- First Sunday of Advent The prayerful beauty of Advent Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, bishop, marvels on the Incarnation of Christ, saying, “Christ, the light of all lights, follows [St. John the Baptist], the lamp that goes before him. The Word of God [Jesus] follows the voice in the wilderness.”