February 5, 2022 – Fifth Week in Ordinary Time The passage we hear for the 5th Week in Ordinary Time immediately follows the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes, scholars remind us, are the eight dispositions that reveal “blessedness” and turn “what we see and hear” in our world on its head. In a practical sense, it is good to remember that salt both preserves and enhances the flavor of food. Each of us as disciples “enhances” the Word (God’s Sacred Word) in our world when we accept the Lord’s invitation to share His love. Pope Emeritus – Pope Benedict XVI says this, “By the apostles, the whole human race is seasoned.” – We share in this mission. In prayer, how do we do this? The answer, is to surrender ourselves to Jesus and make every personal effort to live according to His word. By grace, we remain, in His Word,in His love, and bear His fruit in the world. Should we decide to refuse to live according to the Beatitudes (we could in a way say …“is to lose our saltiness.”) And so, we must be on guard to avoid falling into the trap of materialism, secularism… and the other “isms” that face us in our world. Like salt, light exists not for its own sake but for others. Light helps us to see reality. (Scientists remind us, without light, our eyes cannot behold an object right before it. Without light we are in danger of collision and injury.) Such is the effect of sin, it’s a kind of darkness that blinds us from seeing in faith the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light, He is the FULFILLMENT of the Beatitudes. So, in our prayerful awakening, He (Jesus) in Himself is our light. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 Each Easter Vigil, we begin with the sacred words, “the light of Christ.” ONLY Christ’s most sacred light can reawaken our world. Let us now share that sacred light with those whom we encounter. May the Lord be with you! Fr. Craig
1st Reading—Isaiah 58: 7-10—Isaiah prophesied: Share bread with the hungry. Shelter the homeless. Clothe the naked. Do not turn away from your own. “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn.”
Responsorial Psalm: — “The just man is a light in darkness, a light in darkness to the upright.”
2nd Reading—1 Corinthians 2: 1-5— Paul’s teaching did not come from himself but from the convincing power of the Spirit. So, the faith he passed on rests “not on human wisdom but on the power of God.”
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! “I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.” Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Gospel—Matthew 5: 13-16—Jesus called his disciples the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.” He cautioned them not to let the salt lose its flavor and not to put a cover on the light but to let it shine. “Your light must shine before others…and glorify your heavenly Father.”
This weekend we will hear Rev. Gary R. Norman speak at all the Masses about a ministry providing direct relief to the poor throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Father Norman will share personal witness about Food For The Poor’s mission to care for the destitute as a means of living out the Gospel mandate to love one another. Fr. Norman was ordained in 1994 for the Diocese of Yakima. He has also served in the Pacific NW and Alaska. Fr. Gary is a retired priest and preaches full time for Food For The Poor .
FEBRUARY 5, 2023 PRAYERS OF THEFAITHFUL 1) Let us pray for the Church: May the universal Church and our own parish community be a shining light. Help us grow in holiness and faith. We pray to the Lord… 2) Let us pray for enduring light in the world: Dawn through our darkness, enlighten the upright, O God. Strengthen people of peace around our globe and help us all be instruments of your peace. We pray to the Lord… 3) Let us pray for the lowly: May you light shine upon the poor. For the homeless give shelter, to the naked, clothing. Help us share our bread with the hungry. We pray to the Lord… 4) Let us pray for our teens: As our teens attend the Rise Youth Conference this Sunday, we ask for you holy light to shine on them, Lord. We pray to the Lord… 5) Let us pray for the sick and the ailing: Bring comfort to our brothers and sisters in pain -- Allie Rose Frazer Steve Jensen Kathleen & Milo Fabian Joann Rolt Jess Singer Larry Slasinski Bryan Knowles Michael Soliz Walter Talley And for all who have asked for our prayers. We pray to the Lord… 6) Let us remember the dead: Draw our loved ones from death to the light of the eternal joy, O God, especially – Michael Michel, husband of Roberta and… (4:00 Mass) Debbie Born, Bobb Born (8:30 Mass) Shari Westphal (10:30 Mass) Steve Francis, Ingrid Kasper We pray to the Lord…
ANNOUNCEMENTS – February 5, 2023 1) Once again this year, you have the opportunity to attend a retreat at St. Paul of the Cross. The Men’s weekend is March 3-5 and the Women’s weekend is March 24-26. For information on how to sign up, please stop at the table in the gathering area and take a pamphlet. 2) The quilting and crafting group will meet on Saturday, February 11 th at 10 a.m. in Solanus Hall. 3) Attention High School Seniors: Applications are now being accepted for Knights of Columbus 2023 scholarships. Applications are on the Knight’s Bulletin Board in Hardy Hall or available on the St. Anne's Website. Please submit your application by March 31, 2023. 4) There is a basket in the gathering area to accept your used palms for burning, please bring them in by Sunday, February 19th .