Our Lord Jesus paints the picture of our need for mercy. The timeless words of our Lord, “whoever exalts themself will be humbled, and the one who humbles themself will be exalted.” Our Lord shows each of us the “challenge” the Pharisee took up the typical posture of standing to pray. His prayer, however, is less toward God and more to himself. The Pharisee in his self-righteousness, considers “everyone else” to be either dishonest, unrighteous, or both. Scholars teach us, the Pharisee’s religious practices would be considered “exemplary” accordingly he fasted twice each week (Mondays and Thursdays) and paid tithes on all of his income. (ref. Deuteronomy 14:22) The problem, the Pharisee’s practices have become his “badge of pride.” The second issue, the Pharisee completely neglects the most important matter “love of neighbor.”
Now, the tax collector too, took on the posture of prayer. Yet, our Lord explains that the tax collectors’ posture of prayer is humble in manner. He remains at a distance, and out of shame, won’t raise his eyes to heaven. Scholars remind us that the tax collector’ gestures demonstrate evidence of his repentance. Jesus then explains the shocking reversal, beginning with the words, I tell you – this tax collector whom the Pharisee held in contempt returns home justified, not the Pharisee.
How do we reflect and apply this timeless parable to our life? The simple answer, in our prayer, when examining our conscience, consider, what is my motivation? The answer is to pray for the grace to be motivated by love. When we are motivated by love we are naturally guarded against a “self-righteous attitude.” We must always keep in mind, the “value” of our good works, fasts, alms, penances, etc., is not based on “quantity” so much as the love that the Lord has placed in each of our hearts.
May the Lord be with you!
Fr. Craig
1st Reading—Sirach 35: 12-4, 16-18—Though not unduly partial toward the weak, God hears the cry of the oppressed. God is not deaf to the wail of the orphan or the complaints of the widow. The Lord is a God of justice.
Responsorial Psalm: — “The Lord hears the cry of the poor, blessed be the Lord.”
2nd Reading—2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18— Paul claimed to Timothy that he had fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. He claimed that now a crown of victory awaits him as he arrives safely in the heavenly reign.
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! “God came to us in Christ, entrusting to us the message of salvation.”
Gospel—Luke 18: 9-14—Jesus told the story about the Pharisee and the tax collector to help those who placed confidence in their own righteousness while holding others in contempt. Jesus encouraged people to pray with the tax collector, “O God, be merciful to me a sinner.”
1) Let us pray for the Church: God, you know no favorites. Be merciful to your people. Stand by our side and give us strength through your Holy Spirit. We pray to the Lord…
2) Let us pray for peace: May all the nations hear the Gospel, bringing gladness to the poor. Wipe away all war and strife. Give freedom to each race and keep those In the Armed Forces in your care. We pray to the Lord…
3) Let us pray for our civil leaders: God, Ruler of the universe, give wisdom to heads of state. Guide those who have the responsibility for serving the common good. We pray to the Lord…
4) Let us pray for the sick and suffering: We offer our prayers to you, O Lord, for our brothers and sisters Who are in need of your healing touch, especially, Kylie Nelson Mary Siring Carmody Family Tina Mirku Angela Martin John Candiloro Gay Ribits Alice Noble Sister Anne Doug Mears Ashley Ruiz Larry Belt Richard & Katherine Sienkiewicz (Sin-kevich) And for all those who have asked for our prayers. We pray to the Lord…
5) Let us remember the dead: Raise the lowly to high places, our loved ones those who have fallen asleep in Christ, especially —Margaret Astfalk, mother of Mary Simon and… (5:00 Mass) Roger McCarville, James & Gloira Emon, Bob Henley (8:30 Mass) Stanley Kowalski, Eugene Standard (10:30 Mass) Patrick Mooney, Teri Luckey We pray to the Lord…
ANNOUNCEMENTS – October 23, 2022
The Book Club will meet on Monday at 7 p.m. in Solanus Hall.
Next weekend we will celebrate the Feast of All Soul’s and will honor those who have died within the last year. Family and friends will be asked to light a candle for their loved one when their name is read aloud. This will take place at all of the Masses.
The St. Anne's youth group will meet for Sundaes & Scripture this Sunday, October 23 at 7 pm in Hardy Hall. All teens are welcome, please enter at door #1 at the circle drive and pick up time is 8:30 pm.
On Friday, October 28th at 7:00pm we are inviting all parishioners to be Pro-Life warriors and "Fight Like Heaven" by gathering in Hardy Hall and make PRAY FOR LIFE signs for front lawns. Our signs will help raise awareness to protect the unborn in the state of Michigan. Bring your creative ideas, Sharpie markers, and blank signs. We will have a limited amount of supplies available for those who do not have any.
For those who are going on the field trip Sacred Heart Seminary & St. Anne’s next Saturday, October 29th, please be here in the St. Anne parking lot by 8:20 a.m.