25th Week in Ordinary Time We are called this weekend to consider our character. (The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones, and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is always dishonest in great ones.) – Again – an examination of character. We hear the definition(s) of character often in our life. But how do we examine our character before the light of Jesus? For many in our world, the scale used to determine how to make a decision is “what benefits me?” “what can I get away with?” -- However, what if every decision we made was made public? [[In the eyes of our Lord Jesus, they are indeed public.]] In the first reading, the prophet Amos gives a glimpse into the problem of cheating. He is addressing his contemporaries who are fixing the scales to get a little more pay for a little less of their dry goods. However, any of us can fall into this trap, many in our world would love to receive MORE for less work. And unfortunately for many in our world, the line of thought is, “if I can get away with it, why not?” We live in the ultimate reality, that our loving Lord knows when we are being genuine and honest or when we have fallen into transgression and become disingenuous. We are called to be children of the light and walk in the light and love of the Lord; that is our calling. It is good to examine this calling each day in our journey through life. On another note, thank you for the warm welcome you have offered to Deacon Matthew Chartier. As I mentioned last week, Deacon Matthew will be with us from September through end of next April. God-willing, he will be ordained a Priest for the Diocese of Marquette on June 2, 2023. Please keep Deacon Matthew and all of the Seminarians in your prayers. May God Bless you! Fr. Craig
1st Reading—Amos 8: 4-7— Amos the prophet of God warned that greedy people who cheat the poor or take advantage of others’ misfortune do not escape God’s justice.
Responsorial Psalm: — “I will praise you, Lord, for your mercy. I will praise you, Lord, for your mercy.”
2nd Reading—1 Timothy 2: 1-8— Paul urged Timothy to preach truth and justice: leaders should respect the dignity of all, and everyone should pray to God with blameless hands.
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! “Though our Lord Jesus Christ was rich, he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.”
Gospel—Luke 16: 1-13—Jesus encouraged his disciples to have an enterprising spirit. He also warned them: “No servant can serve two masters…You cannot serve both God and mammon.”
1) Let us pray for the Church: God, you will that all people be saved and come to know the truth. May men and women who lead the Church be strong in preaching the Gospel of peace. We pray to the Lord…
2) Let us pray for all, especially those in authority: Ruler of the Universe, hear our prayers and petitions for our leaders. Give them wisdom in all of their decisions. Bring peace to Ukraine and keep our loved ones in the armed forces in your care.
We pray to the Lord…
3) Let us pray for those suffering economic troubles: God, all creation belongs to you. Be with those who are struggling with day-to-day chores.
We pray to the Lord…
4) Let us pray for the sick and the suffering: Lord Jesus, you suffered on the cross to bring healing to our world. Look kindly upon our brothers and sisters in pain, especially – Jack Little James Howard IV Ida Saroli Kylie Nelson Mary Siring Gay Ribits John Candiloro Glenn Barber Steve Clifton Susan Peloquin Alice Noble John Noble Ken & Jan Vailliencourt Linda Vandergraff Karen Patterson And all those who have asked for our prayers. We pray to the Lord…
6) Let us remember the dead: May our beloved dead experience the joys of the heavenly kingdom, especially – (5:00 Mass) Tom Rogan, Frederick & Mariah Andre (8:30 Mass) Don Hauser (10:30 Mass) Cathy Richard (Ri-shard) We pray to the Lord…
The quilting and craft group will meet next Saturday at 10 a.m. in Solanus Hall.
There is still time to sign up for the Tom Yezak memorial golf outing next Sunday, September 25th. Please stop and get a flier off of the tall table in the gathering area.
Next weekend we will celebrate our Parish’s 65th anniversary. Bishop Donald Hanchon will be here to lead us in our 10:30 a.m. celebratory Mass. There will be a light reception after.
Next Saturday, September 24th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. celebrate the magic of fall at Wojo’s greenhouse. Fairies, dragons, games, crafts, a food truck, and don’t forget the beautiful flowers!
(Sunday) Please join us in Hardy Hall for coffee, donuts, and fellowship.