We hear the theme of “fire” for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Actually, each of us stand together on the night of the Easter Vigil bless the fire. The fire of the love that comes to us from the passion and is then shone to us in the light of the Baptismal candle. When we grow closer and closer in our relationship with the Lord, the light and fire that comes from the Holy Spirit burns within us. As we invite others into a relationship with the Lord, we help to set their hearts on fire with the light and love of the Lord. So that they can become both a “messenger” and “inviter” to others.
This Monday (August 15) we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will have Mass here at St. Anne’s at both 9:00am and then again at 7:00pm. The Solemnity of the Assumption, helps us to prayerfully remember that Our Lady’s body was assumed into heaven. We will hear from the first chapter of St. Luke on the Assumption, and Our Lady’s simple, yet powerful words, “The Almighty has done great things for me…”
Indeed the words of Our Lady and the fire of the Holy Spirit does great things for each of us; when we ask to see in faith, the great things the Lord has done for each of us.
Finally, for the final two weekends of August we will have Mission’s Priest’s offering Mass. Fr. MacDonald and then
Fr. Bower, each Priest will share how the fire of the Holy Spirit supports their mission. Please keep both Fr. MacDonald and Fr. Bower in your prayers.
May the Lord be with you! Fr. Craig
1st Reading—Jeremiah 38: 4-6, 8-10— The princes were eager to kill Jeremiah because he constantly challenged them to follow God’s law. The king allowed them to throw Jeremiah into a cistern. A friend interceded with the king and rescued Jeremiah.
Responsorial Psalm: 40: 2, 3, 4, 18— “Here I am, Lord, here I am. I come to do your will.”
2nd Reading—Hebrews 12: 1-4— Let us repent of our sin and fix our eyes on the Lord. Jesus gave us an example of endurance and courage in the midst of struggle. In that way he inspires and perfects our faith.
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! “My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me.” Gospel—Luke 12: 49-53—Jesus announced to his disciples that he came to bring a hard message indeed, and some have not listened to it. That is why friends and families divide.
1) Let us pray for the Holy Church: God, you know our struggles and our shame. May we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who inspires and draws us to faith. We pray to the Lord…
2) Let us pray for good will among all people: May violence around our globe cease. Strengthen world leaders in their efforts to bring justice to the oppressed. We pray to the Lord…
3) Let us pray for perseverance in our Christian life: May we lay aside every encumbrance of sin that clings to us. Help us, O Lord, in our journey through life. We pray to the Lord…
4) Let us pray for the sick and the suffering: May those who bear a burden of pain not lose heart. We pray especially for – Jack Little Dominic Gagliardi James Howard IV Steve Clifton Glenn Barber Elaine Kalinin (kal-a-nen) And for all who have asked for our prayers. We pray to the Lord…
5) Let us remember the dead: May Jesus who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God welcome our beloved dead, especially –Don Hauser, husband of Bonnie and… (5:00 Mass) Tom Rogan, Charles & Gladys Cobb (8:30 Mass) Lou & Pat Peiffer (10:30 Mass) Tracy Golden We pray to the Lord…
ANNOUNCEMENTS – August 14, 2022
We are still in need of school supplies. Items most needed are composition notebooks, wide rule paper, fine tip Crayola markers, colored pencils and large backpacks. There is a sheet of these needed items on the table in the gathering area. We thank you for your generosity.
It’s time to register children for faith formation classes.
We offer classes for students in grades 1-8. Classes begin in September and conclude in April. Visit our parish website for more information and to register online.
We are hosting a blood drive on Thursday, August 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please see the article in the bulletin on page 4 for information on how to sign up to donate.
Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother will be this Monday, August 15th at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Franks farm market is available in the courtyard after Mass with fresh grown vegetables.