Fr. Craig’s Contemplations 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time A brief reflection on Saints God sends us… Teachers of our faith tell us, “the measure of God’s judgement of the world at any given period of history is the ‘size of the Saints’ he sends to assist us in our time.” In the time, when there was a genuine humility among men and women, the Lord sent in the intellectual giants like, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, and St. Albert. Now we seem to be living in a time, where there is a pride about human knowledge, so our Lord sends us children or the child-like. Think of the outstanding Saints or God willing, soon to be saints of more recent times. Saint John Vianney, the Cure´ of Ars, who barely had the grades required for priestly ordination; Saint Theresa, the Little Flower, who chose the way of spiritual childhood. Our Lady, revealed herself to the simple Bernadette of Lourdes, who had never heard of the Immaculate Conception and 105 years ago in Fatima the Blessed Mother gave her revelation to Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. Other “Saint(s)” in our times, are the “good Samaritans” of our parish, here at St. Anne and our community. Most of us know, these quiet individuals who selflessly serve. These brothers and sisters who walk along with us as Good Samaritans, show us by their loving witness that the Lord’s commands are NOT “mysteries or remote” these are members of OUR parish, who show mercy and equip each of us to be equipped to be a minister of mercy. In prayer, it is good to pray for each other in order that we may equip each in faith, in hope and in love to be a minister of mercy.