Merry Christmas! In this sacred time, we have prayed to “make way for the Lord.” The Christmas liturgies push us to appreciate each year in a new way the gift God has given to us and we are also reminded how it was prepared for each of us from the beginning of time.
These sacred readings allow us to come to terms with two divine messages, one message directed to King David and the other to Our Lady. Friends, these messages are indeed interconnected, each reminding us that the kingdom Jesus came to build, is a spiritual kingdom which has no end.
In faith, we are invited to contemplate the meaning of the promise God made to King David, a thousand years before the Annunciation, He was already preparing His marvelous gift of Jesus’ birth.
Consider the time you have personally prepared to give gifts to your loved one, it’s clearly a sign of your affection for the person. God had prepared His great gift for us for centuries. And, Mary, as she received the message of the angel, was able to realize the great depth of God’s love, in her prayers and in her thoughts is the first to see the great plan that had begun so long ago was being fulfilled.
For a moment, I would like to digress and thank the wonderful staff of St. Anne’s. Anne Schulz, Julie Neal, Marianne Boesch, Steve Szach, Kim Zernec, Karyn Milligan, Carol Zimcosky, Paul Czarnik and Laura Knaack. ALL of what you see in the beauty of our church is thanks to them. ALL of the pastoral support you receive is thanks to them. Please if you would, in your prayers, offer a prayer of thanks for the devoted staff of St. Anne’s Parish.
Now, together, with Mary, St. Anne and through their powerful intercession, let us in a new way, lift our hearts to access this great gift that God gives each of us each year at the Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
May God Bless You! Fr. Craig
1st Reading—Isaiah 62: 11-12—God proclaimed to the whole world, “Your savior comes!” The city of Zion will be called “Frequented.” God’s people are holy people.
Responsorial Psalm: 96— “Today our Savior is born, today our Savior is born, today our Savior is born, Alleluia! Alleluia! Jesus Christ is born!”
2nd Reading—Titus 3: 4-7—The kindness and generous love of God appeared and saved us, “Not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy.”
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! “The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us, to those who accepted him, he gave power to become children of God.” Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Gospel—Luke 2: 15-20—The shepherds said, “Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place.” They went to see the child and then understood everything. When they returned home to tell everyone what they saw, all were astonished.
1st Reading—1 Samuel 1: 20-22, 24-28—Hannah conceived and bore a son, Samuel, whom she presented to the Lord in the temple at Shiloh saying, “As long as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the Lord.”
Responsorial Psalm: 128: 1-2, 3, 4-5— “May the Lord Bless us, May the Lord protect us, all the days, all the days of our life.”
2nd Reading—1 John 3: 1-2, 21-24—God’s love has been given to us so we m ay be called his children. And so we are. We should believe in Jesus Christ and love one another as he commanded.
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! “We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, who brings us truth and grace.” Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Gospel—Luke 2: 41-52—at age twelve, Jesus sat in the temple at Jerusalem listening to the teachers and asking them questions. He astounded everyone by his understanding and answers.
(Julie will intone “Let us pray to the Lord” at all the Masses) 1) Let us pray for the joyful Church: Pour forth the Spirit upon the faithful, joyful, and triumphant. Like the shepherds, may we give glory for all that is heard and seen. We pray to the Lord…
2) Let us pray that salvation reach to the ends of the earth: May the gift of the silent night, make more certain our plight -- Peace on earth, good will to all. Peace in our homes and hearts. We pray to the Lord…
3) Let us pray for Christmas faith: May we live temperately, justly, and devoutly in this age, as we await our blessed hope. Fill your people with the light of hope, and your deep love.
We pray to the Lord…
4) Let us pray for those burdened with illness: May the birth of the one born in a manger give hope to those who suffer every sickness or pain. Betty Morici Kirk McCoy Marge Park Chuck Marteney Ruthie Reid Kevin Lansear Bob Mihos Pam Allen Marty Levin Melanie Stalker And for all who have asked for our prayers. We pray to the Lord…
5) Let us pray for the hungry and the homeless: Forsake not the poor or those with no place in the inn. May all find hope in Bethlehem, house of bread. We pray to the Lord…
6) Let us pray for those who have died: May all of our loved ones see you face to face, especially those who have died since last Christmas. We remember in a special way 4:00 p.m.—Lou Peiffer 7:00 p.m.—Bob Knowles 10:00 p.m.—Ingrid Kasper 10:30 a.m.—Jack Zubalik We pray to the Lord…
ANNOUNCEMENTS—December 25, 2021
We wish to thank all those who have worked hard to make our celebration of Christmas beautiful here at St. Anne this year. In a special way, we thank those who cleaned and decorated the church. A special thank you to the Wojciechowski family at Wojo’s Greenhouse for the beautiful poinsettias and to the Genovese Family at Candy Cane Tree Farm for the beautiful greens and wreaths. We wish also to acknowledge our lectors, eucharistic ministers, Mass Stewards, ushers, who minister at our altar all year long. A special thanks to our music ministers Laura and Paul and the many choirs they directed to make our music so beautiful. Many thanks to all.
We have blessed Oplatki wafers in the gathering area.
We have the book “Life is Messy” by Matthew Kelly to offer you, 1 per family, by an anonymous donor. They are available in the gathering area.
4) The Parish offices will be closed December 24th through January 2nd and reopen January 3rd.
5)Thanks to all for your outreach to those in need. Many families were able to have a Merry Christmas because of you. An article in the bulletin, under Christian Service, gives some details of your outstanding generosity.
6) Mass on Monday, December 27th will be at 9 a.m. not 7 p.m. that day.
There is no 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, Christmas Day or New Year’s Day, and our monthly potluck will be December 8th.