25th week in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 Dear Friends, We hear a warning in scripture this week regarding “jealousy” and “selfish ambition” can be so very hurtful to others. With this, we hear Jesus’ revelation that He will be handed over and will day down His life. From this, we then hear the disciple’s squabble amongst themselves about “who was the greatest.” Jesus from this squabble asks the question, “where do these conflicts among you come from?” He provides them then the answer, its the passion of coveting and jealousy. These passions will NOT EVER truly satisfy us. Only Jesus’ presence can satisfy the longing of our hearts. Indeed, only our Lord in the Eucharist can give us the authentic peace we all desire. We must then pray for the grace to follow Jesus’ reminder to each of us in the ninth chapter of St. Mark’s Gospel, “if anyone wishes to be first, he (or she) will be last of all and a servant of all.” Friends, you will soon see a rearrangement in our church sanctuary, here at St. Anne. The Tabernacle will be moved from behind the wall of its present location in church, to then be placed directly in front of that same wall, so that the Tabernacle is immediately noticed when entering our church. You may ask, why? Simply because we can then easily keep our eyes “fixed on Jesus.” As you know, the most Blessed Sacrament, is the source and summit of our faith, and we in a new way can discover HOW being in His presence will satisfy the longing of our hearts. Please know of my prayers for all of you. Please if you would, pray for me.
Fr. Craig Marion
1st Reading—Wisdom 2: 12, 17-20— The wicked plotted to condemn the just one to death saying, “Let us condemn him to a shameful death.”
Responsorial Psalm: 54: 3-4, 5, 6 *& 8— “The Lord upholds my life.”
2nd Reading—James 3: 16—4:3—Wars and conflicts arise because of envy: “The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.”
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! “God has called us through the Gospel to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Gospel—Mark 9: 30-37—Jesus said, “The Son of Man is to be handed over…If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the…servant of all.”
1) Let us pray for the Church: Keep your servants far from sin, O God. Cleanse us from our faults and help us to serve you with blameless hearts. Continue to bless St. Anne Parish and all its members.
2) Let us pray for peace in our world: May the Spirit of peace, understanding, and wisdom come upon all leaders of nations and the people of this world. Keep those serving in the military in your loving care.
3) Let us pray for charitable organizations: Compassionate God, bless those who work for charity, justice and service. Especially those who minister in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul. May they come to recognize Christ in the blessings of the poor.
4) Let us pray for the sick and for those who have asked for our prayers: God, giver of all life, heal those who cry out to you for help, especially – Reagan Bahling Betty Morici Joan Ball Elaine Corkins Aiden McClaren Daren McLaughlin Christopher Lee Patricia Claya Bruce & Mary Born Mary Phelan
5) Let us remember the dead: May our beloved dead enter the kingdom that endures forever. We pray especially for – (5:00 Mass) Mort Flanigan, Tom Rogan, Albina Wojtalewicz, Bill Grocott (8:30 Mass) Judy Johnson, Jacqui Schwartz (10:30 Mass) Deacon Tony Morici And for all of the deceased of St. Anne Parish. We pray to the Lord…
ANNOUNCEMENTS – September 19, 2021
Religious Education classes will begin on October 2nd. If you haven’t signed your child up yet, please do so by coming into the office or registering on-line.
(Sunday) Please join us in Hardy Hall for coffee, donuts and fellowship.