As you know, we spend the evening of Holy Thursday, then the day of Good Friday and the day of Holy Saturday with the universal church, “waiting at the tomb of Jesus.” God-willing the aim of our prayer is to place ourselves personally “in a mode” of awaiting.
Easter changed everything. As Cardinal Sean O’Malley would say, “every year we celebrate the same event. Every year the story is the same. But every year, we are not the same. Events may have changed in our lives yet the assurance that Jesus has risen and invites each of us to share in His resurrection remains a constant.” We have spent the last 40 days, “awaiting” that our Lord Jesus Christ passed over from death to life. Indeed, as Catholics we are “scattered” throughout our nation and our world, yet we are now called to come together in prayerful acknowledgement that God sent us His only begotten Son as our Redeemer. We are called to walk as “children of the light” that light first given to us at our baptism.
The Acts of the Apostles, written by St. Luke, has 28 documented chapters, but the Acts of the Apostles hasn’t “ended” we are LIVING in the “29th chapter,” we are LIVING to share the light, the glory and power that God has planted deep within our hearts. We are living now, in the 21st century to “Unleash the Gospel” of Jesus’ love on those whom we encounter.
On a personal note, I pray you have a most blessed Easter with your loved ones. I am most grateful for all of you “putting up” with me after the retirement of your long-time pastor, beloved Fr. Gerry. It’s good that we keep Fr. Gerry in our prayers as he now celebrates his first Easter as a “retired Priest.” May the unfailing love and favor our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen all of us in a new way to share the light and love of Jesus.
In Christs’ Peace this Easter, Fr. Craig
1st Reading-Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43— Peter preached about Jesus’ baptism, the anointing with the Holy Spirit, works of kindness and healing, and his crucifixion and resurrection from the dead. All who believe in him are forgiven.
Responsorial Psalm: 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23— “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad; this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.”
2nd Reading-Colossians 3: 1-4 - Think about what is above. When Christ appears, then you shall appear with him in glory.
Gospel Acclamation-Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad and sing, thanks and praise be to our God, for his mercy endures forever more!”
Gospel-John 20: 1-9- Mary Magdalene and the disciples went to the tomb and found it empty. They did not yet understand that Jesus would rise from the dead.
Easter Vigil Only -- Welcome to this solemn celebration of the Lord's Rising from the dead, our Easter Vigil Liturgy. Your lectors for this evening are Margaret Lee, Carol Klenner, Judy Henley and Bryan Born, and leading us in celebration is our pastor, Fr. Craig Marion. The Easter Vigil Liturgy is divided into four parts. We begin with the lighting of the new fire and the service of light. From the new Easter Candle, we will all receive gifts of flame this evening. When it’s time to blow out your candles, please place them under your chair quietly and the ushers will come by at the end of Mass to collect them. Next, we listen to God's Word as the events of salvation history are recalled, concluding with the proclamation of the Easter Gospel. Following the homily, we enter into the service of Baptism. Our Elect will make a profession of faith and be baptized. We all will renew our Baptismal promises. We will all witness their Confirmation. Finally, we celebrate the Eucharist and receive the Body and Blood of the Risen Lord. Now, let us stand and turn to face the church entrance as our celebration begins in darkness with the lighting of the new fire.
Masses of Easter Day --
In the name of the Risen Lord, we welcome one and all to this joyful celebration of Easter.
He is truly risen as He said. He now lives no more to die.
EASTER PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL (Julie will sing “Let us pray to the Lord”) 1) Let us pray for the Church: Almighty God, may your Church and her leaders, be dead to sin and alive in Christ Jesus. Help us all to believe and to hope in your promises. We pray to the Lord . . .
2) Let us pray for a new order of peace and justice: Father of Jesus, may the life of your Risen Son be the cornerstone upon which the nations build a new world. Bring peace to those ravaged by war, especially our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We pray to the Lord . . .
3) Let us pray for the newly baptized: Loving Creator who raised Jesus from the dead, may our newest members be intent on things above. Keep St. Anne Parish always in your love. We pray to the Lord . . .
4) Let us pray for the sick of our community: May our sick members know the healing power that flows from Christ's resurrection. We offer our prayers for all who have asked for them and for those whose needs are known only to them. Pray for all loved ones of St. Anne Parish. We pray to the Lord . . .
5) Let us remember the dead: May our loved ones sing Alleluia forever in your presence, especially those parishioners and family members who have died since last Easter. We pray to the Lord . . .
1) We wish to thank all those who have helped to make our Holy Week and Easter services meaningful and beautiful here at St. Anne's this year. A special word of gratitude goes out to those who cleaned the sanctuary, to our music director Laura, accompanist Denise, choir members, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Mass Stewards, and ushers. Many, many thanks to all of you.
2) If you have not already returned your donation boxes for St. Vincent de Paul, you may do so next weekend at the Masses.
3) Speaking of the hungry, many thanks to those donated food & gift cards. You helped many families for Easter. 4) The parish offices will be closed on Monday and Tuesday and reopen Wednesday.
5) Please take home a copy of the Little White Book for Easter as a gift.
6) Mass on Monday, April 18th will be at 9 a.m. not 7 p.m.