Fr. Craig’s Contemplations 8 th week in OrdinaryTime We open up the book of Sirach this week. We know that the book of Sirach is classified as “wisdom literature” within the Old Testament. Sirach is teaching us to take into prayer how do I assess a person’s character. In prayer, we must ask, to the best of our knowledge is our brother and/or sister trying to live a “righteous life.” Using ancient imagery, we hear of the potter’s creation, that is tested in a kiln (metaphor for judgement). When pottery is well made it will become stronger in the kiln. Similarly, pottery made poorly will be break in the kiln. And so, we ask for the grace to carefully try to observe and then take to prayer the actions and speech of those of our brothers and sisters.
St. Paul gives a warning regarding those who “reject” their belief in the “resurrection of the dead.” In the end, we live in the knowledge that Jesus Christ is victor over sin and death, St. Paul reminds each of us of this timeless truth. We must hold onto the belief in the resurrection of the dead, indeed those whom we have buried, we will see again, in the light of our Lord at the heavenly banquet.
We conclude this week, Luke’s sermon one the plane, with a warning… “stop judging and you will not be judged…Forgive and you will be forgiven.” Each of us, can only do this, with the help of God’s grace. We are “charged” again each week with God’s grace, when we hear the sacred word and receive the Holy Eucharist. It is only when we are “charged” with the grace that is given at Mass, are we able to “stop judging and you will not be judged…Forgive and you will be forgiven.”
The sacred season of Lent begins on March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday. We begin this sacred season; hearing Jesus speak to us from the sixth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel. We hear the call for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Yet, Jesus emphasizes a “caveat” that is, don’t perform righteous deeds for the purpose of letting others see your righteous works. …the Sacred Scriptural teaching continues… You will not receive a reward from God, He says, because you will have already received your reward.
Please pray for the grace to see Lent as a time of spiritual renewal. Avoid looking at Lent as a diet plan. (I myself can fall into this trap.) The aim of Lent is to ask for the renewal of our “hearts” … “our core of self” … the deepest center of who we are – that place where our thoughts and actions arise.
This Lent, ask for the grace for the Lord to penetrate each of our hearts, so that in a new way we discover the Lord is indeed the center of our very soul. We can always look back and examine “where our hearts wander” … it can happen to anyone. Yet, we should receive consolation knowing, we are made in God’s image and likeness, we may feel our own “image and likeness” has in some way become distorted, when we have wandered. Yet, brothers and sisters this is the time to renew, and to look ahead, to ask the Lord for the grace to help us “store up treasure for heaven.”
This can truly be the most powerful Lent you have experienced. If only we ask for the grace to be renewed by God’s Word and Sacrament and in a new way to offer almsgiving, prayer and fasting. When we offer in a new way, almsgiving, prayer and fasting indeed we will radiate God’s love during this most sacred season and when we radiate God’s love in a new way, we will be renewed.
May God Bless You
Fr. Craig
1st Reading—Sirach 27: 4-7—Praise no one before he speaks, for it is then that people are tested.
Responsorial Psalm: 92: 2-3, 13-14, 15-16— “ Lord, it is good, Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.”
2nd Reading—1 Corinthians 15: 54-58—The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! “Speak, Lord your servant is listening, You have the words of everlasting life!” Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Gospel—Luke 6: 39-45—People do not pick figs from thornbushes, nor do they gather grapes from brambles. From the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.
1) Let us pray for the Church: God ever-faithful, you call us to be your chosen people. Bless our Holy Father and the bishops and shower your love upon those who are preparing to join us in our Catholic Faith. We pray to the Lord… 2) Let us pray that our world may grow in peace: Father of the human family, aid our brothers and sisters in troubled lands. May the nations share the earth's bounty. We pray to the Lord… 3) Let us pray for the people of Ukraine: God, we pray fervently for the people of Ukraine. As we watch war unfold in Ukraine, we ask for your grace and peace to rule in the hearts of those in power. We pray to the Lord… 4) Let us remember the sick of our community:gh Give health to our brothers and sisters and restore them, especially – Betty Morici Kirk McCoy Chuck Marteney Marge Park Kevin Petrusha Don Hauser Max Justus Garry Bryant Maddie Katchka Catherine Konen Sue Bruggeman Sister Judy Jones Mary Siring Andrea Matusik Joe Bouknight And for all who have asked for our prayers. We pray to the Lord… 5) Let us remember our dead: God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, welcome our loved ones into your heavenly dwelling, especially – Kimber Fox and…
(5:00 Mass) Frank Mahlau (8:30 Mass) Boes Family (10:30 Mass) Dick & Shirley Koss, Frank Mahlau, Roger Tait We pray to the Lord…
ANNOUNCEMENTS – February 27, 2022
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM and will include the distribution of ashes. If you are unable to attend Mass, ashes will be available in the parish office.
The book club will meet on Monday at 7 p.m.
With Lent beginning, you may wish to use Lenten Little Black books for your reflection. They are available in the gathering area.
Stations of the Cross will be prayed on Friday after morning Mass. We will also pray the Stations at 7 p.m. and this Friday it will be led by members of the Worship Commission. Soup and bread will be served after in Solanus Hall.
This year we will make our Lenten donations to St. Vincent de Paul. There are containers available in the gathering area.
Next weekend Holy Land Carvings will be here with Olive wood carvings of the Nativity, crucifixes, rosaries, etc. Their artistic renderings will be in Hardy Hall in the back corner.
Our monthly potluck dinner is next Saturday, March 5th, after the 5 p.m. Mass.
(Sunday) Please join us in Hardy Hall for coffee, donuts and fellowship.