As we enter into Ordinary Time, we hear how our Lord Jesus “reveals His glory” at the Wedding Feast of Cana. Many of you who are married, may have asked for this to be read at your own wedding. Or perhaps, you have heard this Gospel proclaimed at a friend or family member’s wedding. How fitting, that our Lord Jesus chooses a wedding feast to offer such a profound miracle.
Teachers of biblical history remind us that in John’s Gospel, the wedding feast of Cana, is the first of the “seven signs” (miracles). It seems, perhaps a bit “odd” we really don’t hear anything about the bride and groom for whom this wedding is celebrated for. Yet consider, John is placing a “special emphasis” on what wasn’t “visible.” You see John illustrates an “earthly event” to REVEAL a divine mystery. Remember the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) {synoptic means alike} stress Jesus’ earthly ancestry. John’s Gospel, stresses Jesus’ heavenly ancestry. And you see, we need to understand BOTH. Jesus is
fully human and fully divine.
Brothers and Sisters - divine mystery’s, first and foremost are REVEALED through “concrete realities.” Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, at
every Mass, simple bread, and wine, become the very,
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of JesusChrist.
A second important interpretation to consider, when reading of the wedding Feast of Cana, is this, Cana is about nine miles north of Nazareth. Beyond this simple report of a wedding feast, this helps our ancestors in faith to “recall” the “covenant relationship” between God and Israel to a marriage. (Hosea 2:16-26) God is the groom, and His people are the bride.
A final thought, consider Our Lady’s [Mary’s] simple instruction at the wedding of Cana
“do whatever He tells you.” First, this teaches us, Mary’s twofold role. (1.) Mary is the Model disciple. (2) Mary is the “intermediary” between her Son and the members of the household. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches us that Our Lady, first
intercedes with her son. Second, our Lady
instructs the attendants of the wedding. Mary, our Lady is always interceding and instructing. Let us ask Mary, our mother, to intercede and instruct us as we carry out our own individual call(s) to be a disciple for our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God bless you,
Fr. Craig
1st Reading—Isaiah 62: 1-5—As a young man marries a virgin, so the Lord will marry Israel. No longer will she be called “Forsaken,” for she is now the precious one of God and will be called “My Delight.”
Responsorial Psalm: 96: 1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10— “All the ends of the earth, have seen the power of God. All the ends of the earth, have seen the power of God.”
2nd Reading—1 Corinthians 12: 4-11—There is one Spirit from whom come many gifts. Each person is given a different gift to use for the common good. We are all united in the one Spirit through our individual gifts.
Gospel Acclamation—Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Give the glory, and the honor, to the Lord.
Gospel—John 2: 1-11—Jesus and his mother were invited to a wedding feast at Cana. There he performed the first of his great signs, changing water into wine. Thus, he revealed his glory to all.
1) Let us pray for the Church: Spirit of the Living God, you give many gifts and ministries to your Church. Help us to use these gifts to proclaim the Good News, lovingly and humbly in service to all. We pray to the Lord… 2) Let us pray for leaders of government: Empower our civil servants, O Lord, to fulfill their responsibilities to safeguard the dignity of all, especially those who are most vulnerable. We pray to the Lord… 3) Let us pray for racial harmony in our society: Jesus, through your death and rising, you create the world anew. Bring healing to the division between the races. Help us to recognize the dignity of every person. We pray to the Lord… 4) Let us pray for the sick and the suffering: Comfort the terminally ill, Lord. Give them compassionate friends and family to support them. Hear our prayers for all our sick brothers and sisters - Betty Morici Marge Park Kevin Petrusha Herman Greif Ruthie Reid Don & Margaret Kengerski Kirk McCoy And for all who have asked for our prayers. We pray to the Lord… 5) Let us remember the dead: Raise up our loved ones who have died, O God, through your power, especially — (5:00 Mass) Tim O’Brien (8:30 Mass) Richard Moon (10:30 Mass) Tyler Bonner, Mary Huot We pray to the Lord…
ANNOUNCEMENTS – January 16, 2022
We will not have Youth Group on Monday, January 17th.
The parish offices will be closed on Monday, January 17th and reopen on Tuesday. Monday Mass will be at 9 a.m. not 7 p.m. on January 17th.
The Knights of Columbus will be cooking up a delicious pancake breakfast next Sunday, January 23rd after the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses.
This Sunday, Jan. 16 from 2-3:30 p.m. Our Lady of the Lakes will again hold a local life chain at Dixie Hwy & White Lake RD, in front of Nieman’s Market. This is a joint effort with our Family of Parishes and the Knights of Columbus and the Annual March for Life in Washington D.C. This is in defense for all human life. We hope you will come, and please, dress warmly.
(Sunday) Please join us in Hardy Hall for coffee, donuts and fellowship.