Fr. Craig's Contemplations
4th Sunday of East
We hear from the 13th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, Paul and Barnabas encounter some success with their early work of sharing the Good News of Jesus. They also encounter strong opposition. Anytime, we share the Good News, sometimes by simply asking someone to consider making a change, we may face success, yet we may too encounter opposition. Consider, when is the last time, you invited a family member or friend to come to church with you? Clearly at times this will be a “successful” invitation, other times any of us could face opposition. All Jesus is asking is that we “keep trying” because as we see throughout the pages of sacred scripture, “steadfastness in faith is a source of ‘authentic’ joy.”
In our second reading for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, we continue reading the Book of Revelation. John the beloved disciple, in Revelation, offers a warning, to each of us, to make every effort to remain faithful to the Lord and to the Church. We all know, this can be a “tall mountain to climb” – yet John, the beloved disciple says that those who face opposition, challenges even persecution, will find their reward with God.
Finally, in the Gospel, we continue to reflect on Jesus as the Good Shepherd. In the 10th chapter of John’s Gospel, we are reminded that Jesus’ love is so great that He brings us to eternal life. And so, each day, to see this truth in faith, we are challenged to be renewed by the GRACE of Jesus, so we can “recognize” He is the cause of our joy.
On a practical note, this is Mother’s Day weekend. Thank God for the mothers of our parish, here at St. Anne Catholic Church. Not just biological mothers. But all the mothers who serve as a spiritual guide drawing us closer and closer to Jesus. Many of us know, Mothers who may not have the “biological tie”, but they serve the far more important tie of LOVE. The love they have received from the Lord, and they then SHARE that love from the bottom of their hearts with not only their children, but those who may be without a mother of their own. Over 40 countries in the world pause to thank the Lord for Mother’s this weekend. Many also, silently in prayer, miss their mother who have gone before us in faith. Let’s hold in our prayers in a particular way those who can’t be with their mother, perhaps due to their passing, perhaps due to distance, or some other reason. Let us ask our Lord, that his mother Mary, bless, protect and guide ALL the mothers who do so much for so many. The love that comes from mothers is truly a gift from God.
May God bless you!
Fr. Craig